Acute Hepatitis B Follow Up

Reporting Name


Follow up of patient with newly confirmed hepatitis B infection.


Useful For

Determining if patient with acute hepatitis B progressed to chronic hepatitis B infection.


Profile Information

Acute Unknown Hepatitis Screen Available separately Always performed
HBsAg Neutralization NO NO
Anti-HBc Total Ab NO YES


Reflex Tests

Reporting Name Available separately Always performed
HBsAg Confirmation (neutralization) NO NO*

* Autoreflex of HBsAg-reactive to HBsAg Neutralization Confirmation


Testing Algorithm

Specimens submitted for Acute hepatitis B follow up will be tested for hepatitis B surface antigen with autoreflex neutralization confirmation (HBsAg); hepatitis B surface antibody (Anti-HBs); hepatitis B core total antibodies.



Indications for Testing

Newly diagnosed acute hepatitis B infection requires follow up in 3 – 6 months to determine if patient spontaneously cleared HBV infection or progressed to chronic infection that may require treatment.

Clinical Information

HBsAg is a hallmark of HBV infection and appears in the serum during the incubation period, usually 1 – 10 weeks after exposure and 2 – 7 weeks before the onset of symptoms. Approximately 95% of patients have detectable HBsAg at the onset of jaundice. Most patients who recover from HBV infection clear HBsAg within 6 months, and persistence of HBsAg in serum beyond this time implies chronicinfection.


Reference Values




Special instructions link (Hepatitis Interpretive)


Clinical Reference

Curry, M. P., and Chopra, S. 2010. Acute Viral Hepatitis, p. 1577-1592. In Mandell, D., Bennett, J. E., and Dolin, R. Principles and practice of infectious diseases, 7th ed., vol. 2. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA.




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